Tissue Optimization - Regenerative (TO-RGN) - Istituto Rinaldi Fontani - official Site - www.irf.it - REAC technology official Site -


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Tissue Optimization - Regenerative (TO-RGN)

What it is

Tissue Optimization - Regenerative (TO-RGN) is currently the most innovative, advanced and scientifically validated treatment in Regenerative Medicine.
These statements are supported by the articles issued on the most important journals of Regenerative Medicine, as "Cell Transplantation".
Tissue Optimization - Regenerative has opened new therapeutic perspectives in Regenerative Medicine.
This therapy is only possible with specific protocols patented by our Institute and can be made only with the specific REAC device called BENE.
Rinaldi Fontani Institute - Viale Belfiore 43, 50144 Florence - Phone +39 055 290307 - info@irf.it
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